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False Promises, NRA Weakness & Reasonable Gun Control

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USA –-(Ammoland.com)- As has happened many times, politicians with an anti-gun agenda have shown up with Gun Control Legislation in the wake of a tragic spree killing.There are a couple of important things that are different this time:

1. False Promises : President Trump follows polls and public opinion more than any other President in history. He may not respond the same way as others in the past did to public opinion, but he pays more attention and obviously reacts quickly and in extremes with his expressed positions.He has already signaled that he is open to significant gun control.This comes as a shock to many American Gun Owners and has us on our heels as a community. The fear factor with the Clinton and Obama Administrations kept us sharper… even though our gun rights were expanded at the Federal Level and in most States under the latter.

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